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SIMATIC DP, connection plug for PROFIBUS up to 12 MBit/s 90° cable outlet, 15.8 x 64x 35.6 mm (WxHxD), terminating resistor with isolating function, without PG socket
Tel: +86 13667121125 whatsapp/ vk/ telegram also available
Company: Hongkong CW Green Tech Company
Item number 6ES7972-0BA12-0XA0
Item description SIMATIC DP, connection plug for PROFIBUS up to 12 MBit/s 90° cable outlet, 15.8 x 64x 35.6 mm (WxHxD), terminating resistor with isolating function, without PG socket
Product family Bus connector RS485
Email: anna at cwlyautomation dot com
Tel: +86 13667121125 whatsapp/ vk/ telegram also available
Company: Hongkong CW Green Tech Company
Product status PM300:Active product
Price information
Price group 250
Unit price Show prices
Your price (incl. Surcharges) Show prices
Raw material surcharge see also metal factor (for Details, click the help)
Metal factor see also metal factor (for Details, click the help)
Delivery information
Export indicator AL : N / ECCN : N
As a rule, delivery time from the factory (working days) 1 day(s)
Net weight per UOM 0,050 kg
Package dimensions 6,80 x 7.80 x 3.20